Twitter spreads wildfire information like, well, wildfire
I don’t know when, how, or why it started but I strongly suspect that somewhere in my distant lineage must be the caveman who discovered fire. Either that, or someone slipped some Hedylidae DNA into my Cheerios. What I’m getting at is that when it comes to fire I’m like a moth to flame. It’s […]
Stay at Home Dads–Now We’ve Got Music Videos!
At the Reservoir Share this:
Over the River and Around the World to Grandmother’s House We Go
What I had originally imagined to be a week-long trip to see the in-laws had become much more. Much MUCH more. You see, my in-laws live in Guatemala, which is a good thing. Wait, that didn’t sound right. It’s a good thing because it means we got to visit Guatemala, a country we had never […]
Join the Cause to Save Play and Take the “Let’s Play Pledge” at MORE THAN $3 MILLION IN LET’S PLAY GRANTS AVAILABLE IN 2012 TO BUILD OR FIX UP PLAYGROUNDS This month marks the one-year anniversary of Let’s Play, a community partnership led by Dr Pepper Snapple Group (DPS) to get kids […]
How Our Family Experienced Easter in Antigua, Guatemala
Nothing like being dadventurous and teaching my kids life-long lessons, including cultural traditions at the same time. I hope you like this video my wife, @jylpattee from Mom It Forward, put together of our recent visit to Antigua, Guatemala, where we celebrated Holy Week by watching a Catholic procession, showing Christ’s death. Share this:
Ski Lessons Prepare Kids for 2014 Winter Olympics
So I finally did it. For years I’ve wanted my boys to learn to ski, but the seasons kept speeding by and the boys kept getting older. I was afraid if I didn’t hurry and take them, I’d miss teaching them to ski while they were still young. Enter Krista Parry of Park City Mountain […]