As mentioned in a previous post, I’m not much of a runner. Mountain biking, sure. Racquetball, absolutely. But running, not so much. Yet I still somehow felt that if I didn’t someday participate in some sort of marathon, triathlon, or 5K, that I might be missing something. The Color Run as part of Team Shout® turned out to be exactly what I needed! As fun as it was–and it was fun–I no longer feel the need to ever do it again. My body was made for camping, and scuba diving, and skiing. From now on I’ll leave those long and lonely runs to my fleet-footed friends.
Laundry, on the other hand, is something I think I’ll stick with. I’m not saying that it’s now my favorite thing to do, but I will say that thanks to the many Shout® products I was able to try since this partnership began, I have a lot less anxiety about washing the kids’ clothes.
I‘ve always been a stickler when it comes to making the kids change out of school clothes when they get home. One of the first things I notice after school is the condition of their uniforms. I no longer waste effort hoping that their shirts and pants might be clean, but rather I just hope the stains are ones that I have at least a small chance of removing.
In the past month I’ve used each of the items you can win in the Shout® prize pack below and every single stain has come out! While it wasn’t a school uniform, I was particularly interested in how our shirts from The Color Run would come out. It wasn’t just the bright colors that were thrown into the air, but my son also managed to get grass stains, mud, and what looked like mango salsa on his shirt as well. And as you can see from the picture at the top of this page, the shirt turned out as good as new!
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